Carbon monoxide
Chemical Asphyxiants:
C: Cyanide, Carbon monoxide
S: hydrogen Sulfide
O Ozone
Less-Soluble Irritant Inhalants:
N: Nitrogen dioxide
P: Phosgene
O: Ozone
N Nitrogen dioxide This gas has killed many farmers who entered unventilated silos 1-10 days after filling.
F Fire
Toxic Gases & Vapors in Smoke:
A: Aldehydes (acrolein, formaldehyde, etc.)
C: Cyanide, CO, CO2, hydrogen Chloride
I Irritant Gases & Vapors
Water-Soluble Irritant Inhalants:
A: Ammonia
B: Bromine
C: Chlorine, Chlorine dioxide, HCl
D: Diborane
E: Ethylene oxide
F: hydrogen Fluoride
S: SO2, Sulfuric acid
N No Air
Simple Asphyxiants:
H: Hydrogen, Helium
E: Ethane, Ethylene
N: Nitrogen, Neon
C: Carbon dioxide
A: Acetylene, Argon
M: Methane
P: Propane, Propylene
E Explosive
OSHA requires atmospheric testing in this order: 
1.) oxygen deficiency;
2.) combustible gases; and
3.) toxic gases and vapors.  (OSHA link)
D Damage to liver See the list of chemicals that can cause toxic hepatitis after occupational exposure.
Simple asphyxiants displace air to produce an oxygen-deficient atmosphere.
S hydrogen Sulfide (Sewer gas)
Chemical Asphyxiants:
C: Cyanide, Carbon monoxide
S: hydrogen Sulfide (Sewer gas or Sour gas)
P Phosgene NO2, phosgene, ozone and cadmium are welding hazards that can cause delayed pulmonary edema;
A  Arsine Anemia, hemolytic
C Carbon monoxide from Combustion Chemical asphyxiants disrupt biochemical processes.
E Encephalopathy
Solvents, organophosphates, fumigants, and organic metal compounds (lead, mercury, tin, manganese, and nickel) can cause acute encephalopathy.

  Revised May 30, 2018


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