Concanavalin A

Agent Name
Concanavalin A
CAS Number
Major Category
Other Uses
CON A; Concanavaline A; Ricin-toxin con A; [ChemIDplus] ConA; [Merck Index]
Biochemical Research
Lyophilized powder; [Sigma-Aldrich MSDS]
A plant protein in the lectin family; Isolated from jack beans; Used as a biochemical reagent and as a probe in cell biology (membrane dynamics and cell division); [Merck Index]
Teratogenic effects observed in rabbits (intraperitoneal) and mice (intravenous) exposed during gestation; [Shepard's Catalog of Teratogenic Agents] Causes diffuse hepatitis and changes in thymus and spleen weights in acute intravenous studies of mice; Causes decreased cellular immune response in 30-day intermittent intraperitoneal studies of mice; [RTECS] May cause irritation; May cause skin and respiratory sensitization; May cause toxicity to human reproduction; [Sigma-Aldrich MSDS] PubMed: no results for 11028-71-0 AND (allergic OR sensitizer OR sensitization OR asthma)[Title];
Biomedical References

Adverse Effects

Hepatoxic (a) from occupational exposure (secondary effect) or (b) in animal studies or in humans after ingestion

Diseases, Processes, and Activities Linked to This Agent

Other Information
No other related information on this agent was found.