Peroxyacetic acid

Agent Name
Peroxyacetic acid
Alternative Name
Peracetic acid
CAS Number
Major Category
Other Classes
Peroxyacetic acid formula graphical representation
Peracetic acid; Acetic peroxide; Acetyl hydroperoxide; Acide peracetique [French]; Acide peroxyacetique [French]; Acido peroxiacetico [Spanish]; Desoxon 1; Estosteril; Ethaneperoxoic acid; Hydroperoxide, acetyl; Kyselina peroxyoctova [Czech]; Monoperacetic acid; Osbon AC; PAA; Peroxoacetic acid; Proxitane 4002; Ethaneperoxic acid; Peroxyacetic acid, >43% and with >6% hydrogen peroxide; [ChemIDplus] UN3105
Peroxides, Organic
Colorless liquid with an acrid odor; [HSDB]
Used as a bleaching agent of paper and textiles, a catalyst of polymerization, a fungicide, and a chemical intermediate; [HSDB] Also used as an oxidizing agent in organic synthesis; [Merck Index] Used as a disinfectant/sanitizer for food, industrial, medical, and residential applications; [Reference #2] Used to sterilize reusable medical and dental equipment; [ACGIH]
Highly corrosive to skin; [Quick CPC] Commercial solution is peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, and water (at equilibrium); [Merck Index] May decompose violently from shock, friction, or concussion; A strong oxidizing agent that reacts violently with combustible substances; Corrosive to skin, eyes, and respiratory tract; Inhalation may cause pulmonary edema; [ICSC] Does not exist in pure (100%) form; Commercially available as an equilibrium solution, distilled product (mainly peracetic acid and water), and can be generated in situ with an activator and a persalt dissolved in water; [OECD SIDS] Occupational asthma confirmed by broncho-provocation testing in two endoscopy unit workers exposed to peracetic acid/hydrogen peroxide mixture; [Malo] TLV Basis: Irritation (upper respiratory, eye, and skin); [ACGIH] Available in 40% solution; Causes severe burns; Inhalation of high concentration can cause injury to the upper respiratory tract; [MSDSonline]
Biomedical References

Exposure Assessment

0.4 ppm, inhalable fraction and vapor
0.1 ppm
Vapor Pressure
14.5 mm Hg
Lethal Concentration
LC50 (rat) = 204 mg/m3/4hr
Explanatory Notes
The Guide in the Emergency Response Guidebook is for "Organic peroxide type D, liquid." VP from HSDB;
Reference Link #2
high ambient temp required

Adverse Effects

Toxic Pneumonitis
Skin burns
ACGIH Carcinogen
Not Classifiable

Diseases, Processes, and Activities Linked to This Agent


Occupational diseases associated with exposure to this agent: