Sarcosine hydrochloride

Agent Name
Sarcosine hydrochloride
CAS Number
Major Category
Biological Agents
Sarcosine hydrochloride formula graphical representation
Glycine, N-methyl-, hydrochloride; [ChemIDplus]
Amino Acids and Derivatives
Solid; [Merck Index] White crystalline solid; [Alfa Aesar MSDS]
"An amino acid intermediate in the metabolism of choline." [ChemIDplus] Used as an intermediate (anti-enzyme agents for toothpaste); [Merck Index] "Sarcosine, also known as N-methylglycine, is an intermediate and byproduct in glycine synthesis and degradation. . . . Sarcosine is a natural amino acid found in muscles and other body tissues. In the laboratory, it may be synthesized from chloroacetic acid and methylamine. Sarcosine is found naturally as an intermediate in the metabolism of choline to glycine. Sarcosine is sweet to the taste and dissolves in water. It is used in manufacturing biodegradable surfactants and toothpastes as well as in other applications." [Wikipedia]
May cause irritation; [Alfa Aesar MSDS]
Biomedical References

Exposure Assessment

Diseases, Processes, and Activities Linked to This Agent

Other Information
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