Mandelic acid

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Agent Name
Mandelic acid
CAS Number
Major Category
Other Classes
Mandelic acid formula graphical representation
alpha-Hydroxybenzeneacetic acid; Benzeneacetic acid, alpha-hydroxy-; 2-Hydroy-2-phenylacetic acid; 2-Phenyl-2-hydroxyacetic acid; 2-Phenylglycolic acid; Acido mandelico [Italian]; Almond acid; alpha-Hydroxy-alpha-toluic acid; alpha-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid; alpha-Toluic acid, alpha-hydroxy-; Amygdalic acid; Glycolic acid, phenyl-; Kyselina 2-fenyl-2-hydroxyethanova [Czech]; Kyselina mandlova [Czech]; MANDELIC ACID; p-Mandelic acid; Paramandelic acid; Phenylacetic acid, alpha-hydroxy-; Phenylglycolic acid; Phenylhydroxyacetic acid; Uromaline; [ChemIDplus] Amygdalinic acid; [Merck Index]
Organic Acids
Solid; Darkens and decomposes after prolonged light exposure; [Merck Index] White crystalline powder with a faint sweet odor; [Fisher Scientific MSDS]
Used as a urinary antiseptic; [Merck Index] Has been used as a urinary antiseptic, oral antibiotic, and component of "chemical face peels." [Wikipedia]
Causes gastritis and other liver changes in oral lethal-dose studies of rabbits; [RTECS] An irritant; Chronic exposure may cause kidney injury and digestive tract abnormalities; [Fisher Scientific MSDS]
Biomedical References

Exposure Assessment

Vapor Pressure
1.64E-05 mm Hg

Adverse Effects

Hepatoxic (a) from occupational exposure (secondary effect) or (b) in animal studies or in humans after ingestion

Diseases, Processes, and Activities Linked to This Agent

Other Information
No other related information on this agent was found.