Agent Name
Benzoyl peroxide
Alternative Name
Dibenzoyl peroxide
Major Category
Other Classes
Dibenzoyl peroxide; Abcat 40; Acetoxyl; Acne-Aid Cream; Acnegel; Akneroxid 5; Akneroxide L; Aksil 5; Asidopan; Aztec BPO; B 75W; BPO; BZF-60; Benbel C; Benox 50; Benoxyl; Benoxyl (5&10) Lotion; Benzac; Benzac W; Benzagel; Benzagel 10; Benzaknen; Benzashave; Benzoic acid, peroxide; Benzol peroxide; Benzoperoxide; Benzoyl peroxide; Benzoyl superoxide; Benzoylperoxid [German]; Benzoylperoxyde [Dutch]; Brevoxyl; Cadat BPO; Cadox 40E; Cadox B; Cadox B 40E; Cadox B 50P; Cadox B 70W; Cadox B-CH 50; Cadox BS; Chaloxyd BP 50FT; Clear By Design; Clearasil Antibacterial Acne Lotion; Clearasil BP Acne Treatment Cream; Debroxide; Desanden; Desquam E; Desquam X; Dibenzoyl peroxide; Dibenzoylperoxid [German]; Dibenzoylperoxyde [Dutch]; Diphenylglyoxal peroxide; Dry and Clear; Duresthin 5; Eloxyl; Epi Clear Antiseptic Lotion; Epi-Clear; Fostex; G 20; Garox; Incidol; Loroxide; Lucidol; Lucidol (peroxide); Lucidol 50P; Lucidol B 50; Lucidol G 20; Lucidol KL 50; Lucidol-70; Luperco AA; Luperco AST; Luperox FL; Mytolac; Nayper B and BO; Nayper bo; Norox bzp-250; Norox bzp-C-35; Novadelox; Oxy-10; Oxy-10 Cover; Oxy-5; Oxylite; PanOxyl; Perossido di benzoile [Italian]; Peroxide, dibenzoyl; Peroxyde de benzoyle [French]; Persa-Gel; Persadox; Quinolor compound; Resdan Akne; Stri-dex B.P.; Superox 744; Theraderm; Topex; Vanoxide; Xerac; epi-Cle; [ChemIDplus] UN2088
Peroxides, Organic
Colorless to white crystals or a granular powder with a faint, benzaldehyde-like odor; [NIOSH]
Used as a catalyst in polymer production, e.g., acrylates, and an oxidizer to bleach flour and other foods; [ACGIH]
Benzoyl peroxide is a skin irritant and infrequent sensitizer. It may cause allergic contact dermatitis in dentists using acrylate cements and in bakers handling bleached flour. [Marks, p. 188] If left on clothes, can cause reddening of the skin; [CHRIS] A skin, eye, and respiratory tract irritant; [ICSC]
Skin Designation (ACGIH)
Insufficient data
5 mg/m3, inhalable fraction
Excerpts from Documentation for IDLHs
Human data: Concentrations of 12 mg/m3 and higher have resulted in pronounced irritation of the nose and throat [Moskowitz and Grabois 1950].
Vapor Pressure
7.06E-05 mm Hg
Lethal Concentration
LC50 (mice) = 7,000 mg/m3/4H
Explanatory Notes
Flash point = 176 deg F;
Half Life
No reports found; [TDR, p. 174]
may ignite at ambient temp
IARC Carcinogen
Not classifiable
ACGIH Carcinogen
Not Classifiable
Occupational diseases associated with exposure to this agent:
Industrial Processes with risk of exposure:
Activities with risk of exposure: