Hyoscyamus oil

Agent Name
Hyoscyamus oil
CAS Number
Major Category
Biological Agents
Hyoscyamus oil-expressed; [ChemIDplus]
Plant Toxins
A naturally occurring antimuscarinic drug; A fixed oil from the seeds of Hyoscyamus niger; Contains the alkaloid scopolamine (hyoscine); [HSDB] Henbane is the common name for Hyoscyamus niger. [Ford, p. 31]
Emergency treatment: "Plants- anticholinergic"; [HSDB] Atropine and plants containing belladonna alkaloids (jimson weed, deadly nightshade, and henbane) cause the anticholinergic syndrome: fever, blurred vision, dry mucous membranes, flushed skin, delirium, and urinary retention (hot as a hare, blind as a bat, dry as a bone, red as a beet, mad as a hatter, bloated as a bladder); [Ford, p. 31]
Biomedical References

Adverse Effects

Other CNS neurotoxin

Diseases, Processes, and Activities Linked to This Agent

Other Information
No other related information on this agent was found.