Mold and algae derived allergens
Agent Name
Mold and algae derived allergens
Major Category
Biological Agents
Plant & Animal Dusts/Aerosols
Mold and algae that cause asthma, based on "Agents Causing Occupational Asthma with Key References" by Chan-Yeung & Malo. In: [Malo] Includes:\
Dictyostelium discoideum (slime molds)--technicians;\
Aspergillus niger--technicians;\
Aspergillus--beet sugar workers;\
Trichoderma koningii--sawmill workers;\
Plasmopara viticola--greenhouse worker;\
Chlorella (algae)--pharmacists:\
Algae (species unspecified)--Thallassotherapist (sea water therapy)\
Neurospora--plywood factory worker;\
Chrysonilia sitophila--logging worker;\
Rhizopus nigricans--coal miner;\
Sooty molds (Ascomycetes, deuteromycetes)--laborer;\
Penicillium nalgiovensis--sausage processing;\
Monascus ruber--delicatessen plant;\
Mucor species (contaminating esparto fibers);\
Also see fungal enzymes in the category "Biological Enzymes."
Occupational diseases associated with exposure to this agent:
Industrial Processes with risk of exposure: