Veratrum alkaloids

Agent Name
Veratrum alkaloids
CAS Number
Major Category
Biological Agents
Alkaloids, veratrum; Alkavervir; American hellebore; American veratrum; Green hellebore; Indian poke; Veratrum viride; Veratrum viride alkaloids extract; Veriloid; Vertavis; [ChemIDplus]
Plant Toxins
Light yellow solid; [HSDB]
Veratrum alkaloids include jervine, psuedojervine, rubijervine, cevadine, germitrine, germidine, veratralbine, and veratroidine; [Merck Index] Used to treat hypertension and as a herbal treatment for toxemia of pregnancy; Has been used in veterinary medicine for circulatory and gastrointestinal problems and as a parasiticide; [HSDB]
A skin and mucous membrane irritant; Excessive amounts can cause death by central respiratory depression; Emergency treatment: "Plants- veratrum alkaloids"; [HSDB] Veratrum alkaloids (e.g., black snakeroot, false hellebore, and skunk cabbage) cause gastroenteritis, bradycardia, paresthesias, AV block, and syncope;; [Olson, p. 376-92]
Biomedical References

Adverse Effects

Other CNS neurotoxin

Diseases, Processes, and Activities Linked to This Agent

Other Information
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