Job tasks include: flour milling or packing; bread or cake baking; debagging, sieving, weighing and mixing bread improvers (fungal amylase); Reference: "Work-related asthma in a population exposed to grain, flour and other ingredient dusts." Smith TA, Lumley KP. Occup Med (Oxf) 1996 Feb;46(1):37-40. Occupational asthma was reported in 35% of 279 bakers and millers exposed to wheat, rye, and soya flour. Saccharomyces cercvisiae (baker's yeast) was the confirmed cause of asthma in a baker; Other causes confirmed in bakers are Alternaria, buckwheat flour, fungal enzymes (amylase, amyloglucosidase, hemicellulase), gluten, white lupin flour, Konjac flour, white pea flour, sesame seed, and soybean lecithin; [Malo] "We describe a series of six patient cases with occupational immediate allergy to buckwheat." [PMID 32944967]