"A mineral is a naturally occurring substance formed through geological processes that has a characteristic chemical composition, a highly ordered atomic structure and specific physical properties." [Wikipedia]
"Compared with asbestos, silica, and coal there is only limited toxicologic or epidemiological evidence linking the other minerals considered here with diffuse parenchymal lung diseases." [Hendrick, p. 169]
The Wikipedia article on "Mineral" includes the following classes: Silicate, Carbonate, Sulfate, Halide, Oxide, Sulfide, Phosphate, Element, and Organic. [Wikipedia] "It is suspected that this lung airway defense system can be overcome by several different mechanisms: by the physical characteristics of the particle that prevent phagocytosis or cell movement, as seen in asbestosis; by direct cytotoxicity, as in the case of silica dust or cytoxic metals and compounds; or by simply overloading the clearance capacity of the system, which is most likely the mechanism of injury from normally non-fibrogenic 'nuisance' dusts." [Hendrick, p. 167] Fuller' earth, Talc, and Vermiculite may be contaminated with Asbestos. The following mineral ores may be contaminated with Silica: Alumina, Antimony, Barium, Bentonite, Diatomaceous earth, Fuller's earth, Graphite, Kaolin, Mica, Oil shale, Perlite, Iron, Tin, Talc, and Vermiculite. [Hendrick, Rom, Rosenstock, Harber]