This table depicts some of the most common causes of occupational contact urticaria
and the occupations at highest risk.
- Ammonia Persulfate: AP
- Flour: Flour
- alpha-Amylase: a-Am
- Cellulase & Xylanase: CXase
- Handling of Foodstuffs: Food
- Cow Dander: Cow
- Grains & Feeds: Grain
- Latex : Ltx
- Acrylate Resins: Acr
- Epoxy Resins: Epx
AP |
Flour |
a-Am |
CXase |
Food |
Cow |
Grain |
Ltx |
Acr |
Epx |
Hairdressers |
x |
x |
Bakers |
x |
x |
x |
Processed Food Preparers |
x |
Food Workers |
x |
Dairy Workers |
x |
x |
Agricultural Workers |
x |
x |
Medical Workers |
x |
Dental Workers |
x |
x |
x |
Electronics Workers |
x |
x |
Main Source of Information for the Table:
Kanerva L, Tiikkanen J, Jolanki R, Estlander T. Statistical data on occupational
contact urticaria. Contact Dermatitis 1996;35:229-233.
What Is the Relative Incidence of Contact Urticaria?
The paper cited above describes 815 cases of occupational contact urticaria that were
reported during 1990-1994 to the Finnish Register of Occupational Diseases. During that
same time period, 1944 cases of occupational allergic contact dermatitis were reported.
Therefore, the evidence from Finland suggests that contact urticaria comprises
approximately 30% (815 / 2759) of the total allergic work-related dermatoses.
Chicken, Pork, Liver, Salami casing mold, Fish, Frog, Lobster,
Oysters, Shrimp, Scallops, Cheese, Eggs, and Milk; |
Asparagus, Beans, Cabbage, Carrots, Castor bean, Celery, Coffee bean (green),
Cucumber pickle, Endive, Garlic, Lettuce, Mustard, Onion, Parsley, Parsnip,
Potato, Soybean, Tomato, Winged bean, and Mushrooms; |
Apple, Apricot stone, Lemon, Lemon peel,
Lime, Strawberry, and Watermelon; |
2004, p. 98] |
Natural Rubber Latex Allergy
The prevalence of latex allergy in healthcare workers varies
in different countries from 3% to 16%. "Allergen content varies widely
between different brands, thus, use of low-allergen non-powdered gloves is
crucial in the primary prevention of latex allergy. In secondary prevention,
when even low-allergen non-powdered gloves are not tolerated, latex free
gloves should be used." [Kanerva 2004, p. 101] See "Latex
Allergy: A Prevention Guide" at the NIOSH web site.
"The diagnosis of rubber contact urticaria is suspected from a
history of immediate symptoms after exposure to rubber and confirmed with positive use or
prick test results. Radioallergosorbent test findings are less frequently positive but
this should be the initial test, to avoid anaphylaxis." p.
360, Marks & DeLeo
Revised May 30, 2018
